NCK Dongle / NCK Pro Dongle
We Make IT Possible
What's New?
KC8 - Read Info/FRP/Factory reset (flash & meta mode)/Backup & Restore NVRam (flash & meta mode)/Repair IMEI/Flashing.
Camon 12 - Read Info/FRP/Factory reset (flash & meta mode)/Backup & Restore NVRam (flash & meta mode)/Repair IMEI/Flashing.
CC7 - Read Info/FRP/Factory reset (flash & meta mode)/Backup & Restore NVRam (flash & meta mode)/Repair IMEI/Flashing.
OT-9027w - SIMUNLOCK old and new method in flash mode.
Added Read firmware by custom selection (Button is located in read firmware tab.)
-- User can read flash by adress or read flash by partition name(need to load scatter for this)
--- Partitions will be saved at full size and user can select at once multiple partitions to read.
Added aditional selection in format custom menu
-- User can now select format by adress or format by name partition.
-- Some new phones does not allow format by address but allow by name.
Fixed and remaked reset frp function.
Now by selecting frp + wipe userdata must be fixed "dl image fail" error also.
Fixed booting for Helio phones, now stuck on "swithing to Helio API" was fixed.
Software was uploaded to latest 7.1945 version of dll (must support latest cpu, even if not listed in autodetect mode).
Fixed unlock for OT-5059 phones in flash mode (was broken).
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